Wednesday 11 January 2012

Due to the mild winter and the growing of lettuces in a big old tin bath in my greenhouse I was able to pick this nice assortment of leaves the other day. I am a big fan of Alys Fowler and at the moment am reading her book. " The Thrifty Forager" It has the best introduction. Which I'm sure you'll agree that in these times of austerity needs must I think!
" Darling I have something to admit I've been lying to you Every time I've served you up Spinach, be it in soups, pies or risotto. I've actually been feeding you wild things. You've had stinging nettles, dead nettles, purslanes and oraches. I've fed you fat hen, good King Henry and goosegrass. You've eaten dandelion and thistles. They've come from the side of the train tracks, along the river, in the parks and sometimes in my garden." "You've come back for seconds and had it the following day, so I guess you've liked some of it. Actually I think by now you must know that spinach is a pretty loose term in our kitchen. I hope you don't mind but I don't intend to start growing it anytime soon lots of love A"

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