Monday, 27 December 2010

We should be in Scotland!!!!!!!

We should have been with my parents in Scotland now, but at 7.00am this morning my mum rang and said my dad has really bad flu and is not well enough for visitors. I don't see them so much because of the distance to travel, so I knew it was a really big decision on their part when they asked us not to go. I worried about them all day, but rang in the evening and was assured that he is on the mend.
So what to do instead? There is a mountain of tidying to be done, but...after watching The Gilmore Girls  (which we are addicted to) in a moment of madness chose to go to Ikea
and bought this book....
and this lamp....
and also couldn't resist this bag....

Sunday, 26 December 2010

Something to wear & Something to do.

Off to spend a few days visiting family in Glasgow................ going to wear this colourful necklace on New Years eve.
 Want to have something to do............... which means looking through my wool stash and finding a suitable project. This or maybe this at  or something like this fun project over at

Christmas dinner

On Christmas eve, late evening, I decided to move the furniture around in the dining room. The table is usually at the other end of the room near the back door, which can feel rather cold.
What a surprise when everyone came downstairs in the morning!!!!

Another surprise this recipe for our Christmas pudding.

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Christmas present from Sweden

This present arrived from our Swedish friends, Jan and Ulrika. I love the paper and the red string and heart tag, so Swedish I thought, then I noticed the writing on the paper is French.... still love it thank you so much.

Christmas decorations

Star lantern hanging in my hall

My christmas "twig tree"