Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Work progressed.

Remember this bag I was making the other week for my sister?
Well this is it made up in some vintage fabric with a longer strap so it can be worn over your shoulder.
Saw a lovely piece of wall graffiti in London the other week.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Marimekko inspiration!

Sorry it's taken me a while to show you some pages from the Marimekko book. I'm not usually a person of routine or rules
but when it comes to the written /photographed page that's a different matter.
I am a bit Sheldon Cooper when it comes to books and magazines. There I've admitted it.
I have to have a quiet space, with no distractions or noise.....
I need to look carefully at and savour each page.....
I love the surprise and anticipation of the next page.....
If I find myself getting too excited and turning the pages too quickly I put the book down and do something else.....
I don't mind someone else looking at the book or magazine before me so long as they don't show me what's in it......
and of course I couldn't show you photos from it before I'd properly looked at it myself could I?
Is anyone else like this about books or other things I wonder?
The book is pure joy and inspirational with patterns in the bag for some of the projects and interviews with the designers.
Here are just a few pages from it I hope you find them interesting too :)



Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Do you love Marimekko?

Yippee! Look what arrived in the post today. May not get to work on time.... sorry Jen I'll be there soon.
I posted about this book before when I saw it on someone else's blog. I tried to get it from the Marimekko shop in Shoreditch
when we went to London last week but they had sold out and were getting more in so I ordered one and it came  superfast!
with a lovely flower sticker on the parcel.
Will save it as a treat to look at later. expect more peeks inside.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Do you love shoes?

All seen in Liberty's

However if you like your shoes with a little more art and originality check out this website of Japanese designer Tetsuya Uenobe

Thursday, 12 April 2012

London love

Some things I loved in London.......

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

A day out....

On Tuesday we took many steps....we saw birds.......and flowers......and a few sights.......

Sunday, 8 April 2012

"Work in progress"

I'm sure I've mentioned before about my vintage fabric obsession. Even though it's threatening to takeover the house I can't resist buying more with the thought that one day I will "do something" with it. However when I think about "doing something" with it I panic about cutting it up and wasting it if I don't like the end result.
Finally I decided to cut some of it up and make a Japanese knotbag - a present/request  for /from my sister.
I drafted the pattern and sacrificed some less important fabric to try it out in first before cutting into some prime vintage, but the blanket material I have used looks nice and I might use that instead and add some crochet pieces instead......so still not used the vintage stash!!!

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Snow, snow, quick, slip snow!

This morning I was supposed to be taking part in a walk  - 10,000 steps finishing with a "cream tea"at the Co op store in the centre of town. However due to the sudden change in weather it was postponed till a later date.
After finishing the walk/ cream tea, my colleague and I were to have "hot footed up to the Arboretum Park for a meeting, but guess what....... it was cancelled.
So instead I can show you some pretty things on my windowsills and a "peep" in a box I made for a family activity this Saturday.

After making it I remembered the outside should have been White rabbit and Wonderland inspired!!!!